How To Write A Stunning Content


Ask two people about long-form content, and you’ll end up with two distinct responses. Some say, long-form content is a risk. It may reduce the attention. On the other hand, others might say it’s a wonderful way to engage readers and create value for them. Also, get value in return.

Usually, long-form content is helpful.

While writing long-form content can be an outstanding way to increase the number of views, it can even be puzzling, if not gone systematically. Follow the steps, and hope you’ll be safe.


Make an outline

Making an outline is the first and the basic step in the ladder for long- form content creation. It not only keeps track of your work, it provides you with the flow. Especially when you’re lost. You may need to provide graph, abstract, report, survey, stats, videos, etc. By creating different sections, you can relax as it’s highly unlikely to miss out something. You can focus on one thing at a time. It’s quite handy.



After creating a content outline, brainstorm. Think of the important points you want to write for each section. Highlight the points in bullets. You may even circle or square box them (whatever you’re comfortable with). It’s done to ensure all relevant and significant points are included in the write-up.

After completing, go through the points. Check. You may come up with few of the points, which aren’t important, or are overlapping with some other ideas. Skip those. It makes your task much simpler.

You may also end up with adding new points to link with the previous ones. It not only makes your long content richer, but also increases value to your readers.


Presentation of format

Presentation is important. Making representation great creates increased chance of attracting more readers. If your content has lots of data and numbers (figures and facts), include bar graph, pie charts, histograms, and even educational video. It’ll keep the readers hooked up till the end.

For public relations or publicity, you may go extra steps to make your content eye-catching and unique.


Skip the unnecessary

After going through all the steps, read them aloud to yourself. You may end up noticing many redundant words or sentences. Erase them. It’ll help to ensure every piece is relevant and fresh and attached to the main, original theme of the topic.

After your’re done with the main body of your long-form content, proofread. This time, you’ll come across few needless words in the sentences (less than before though). Remove them. It’ll also create extra space for interesting pics, videos, animations, etc. Readers will be more prone to read them.

Moreover, it’s important to know your audience in mind before hand (identifying the targeted group), before starting the whole work. Target your audience. Try to picture yourself in their shoes. You’ll definitely improve by it. For more information, read through books, blogs, articles and reports. It’ll give you more insights for good long-form content creation and enrich your knowledge on the relevant topic.


Furthermore, below are the extras tips for mobile audiences. As you may know, people are increasingly using mobile devices for almost everything. Websites must be mobile responsive to generate good amount of traffic. You have to be smart.

Readers are engaged in a different way when it comes to reading through the mobile devices. You may also use few proven tools to add value for the mobile-reading readers.

For laptop, computer, tablets (traditional screens), the human eyes tend to start from the upper left corner of the page, and, then move down to the right end. It’s different for mobile experiences. People reading from cell-phones concentrate in the center.


Bold and short title

You had better not seek to pick a long headline here. Chances are, it won’t fit the screen properly. You’ll lose the readers-attention. Make it short and simple. It’ll engage readers.

Dramatic entrance

People using cell phones are always on rush. They quickly skim through ten things at one time. In order to make your long-form content interesting and fun, start in a dramatic way. It’s just one way to go strong. It’ll make the readers read till the end and they’ll think reading your piece is worth every second of their precious time. You may start with the main point or claim. Just keep it in a bold and creative way. Try to do something different to amaze your readers. It’s also good for the long run.

Short body

Making long-lengthy paragraphs in one breath can backfire you when it comes to mobile-gadgets.  it’s like stabbing your feet with your hammer. In order to keep the long-form interesting, you may want to give several paras, but each must be short. Remember, readers love white lines. It’s easier to follow on the screen. Try to be with 4-5 sentences for each.


After you’re done with the above tips and techniques, read them thoroughly. There’s no compromise. You must go through your work several times in order to eliminate any minor piece of unsolved error. Again, skip the redundant words and sentences. Your readers this time is on the hurry, unlike the readers who have a longer time to view your long-form content through traditional screens like laptop, computer or tablet. This reader won’t bother to read anything which she or he thinks is redundant. It’ll be considered as a waste of valuable time. You don’t have space to add anything irrelevant. Go and rush immediately to the focus of the point. Although, you can still add interesting pic, animation, video, images, etc. In-fact, it’ll look more interesting and will engage more mobile- readers. This can be your added-advantage.

It is about making your long-form content as long as it needs to be and not any shorter. That’s why, you must brainstorm and outline properly. The merit of mobile gadgets provides a new dimension to the globalized world. For e-mail, newsletter, blogs, or even mobile, you have to change the way you write, depending on the given platform. It’s mainly to engage readers in various platforms effectively.

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